Pastor Nick Boeke is the senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Durand. He has been with us since September of 2017. He and his wife, Barbara, are a great addition to the church family. Come join us to hear his ministry or go to the sermons page on the website to hear his messages each week.
Our Pastor is Dr. Nick Boeke. He is married to Barbara, a musician and music teacher. They have four married children and five granddaughters.
Pastor Nick served as senior pastor in Bible teaching churches in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Midwest. For nine years he was Chairman and Professor of Pastoral Leadership at Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis. He is a graduate of Faith Baptist Bible College near Des Moines, Denver Baptist Theological Seminary, and he earned the Doctor of Ministry degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has worked extensively in education at the college and Christian school level (k-12).
His Testimony- "Thanks to Christian parents, I came to know Christ as my Savior at a young age and grew up in my home church in Iowa. In high school, the Lord directed me into full-time service for Him and in college He made it clear that the pastorate was my direction. I served as youth and music pastor during seminary and loved working with college-age adults later as a professor.
My goals at First Baptist are to present the Good News of Jesus as Savior and the practical truths of God from Scripture in a clear and interesting manner. I encourage and support people who face the difficult issues and decisions of life through the Word and power of God." Pastor Nick Boeke
We welcome you to join us in the worship of the one true God and grasp the freedom we have in Jesus Christ.