9:30 am - Bible Fellowship &
Sunday School
10:45 am - Morning Worship
7:00 pm Prayer Meeting
We, here at First Baptist, love to welcome new members to our warm and friendly atmosphere. Each service begins with energetic and inspiring music played by our worship team. A Bible based message is included in our Sunday morning worship service by Pastor Nick Boeke. The heart of our church is to help people grow in their daily walk with the Lord and to challenge them to pursue an intimate relationship with Him. It is our hope and goal that our services will encourage and challenge you.
In all our ministries, we have the same mission: to bring glory to God by making disciples through gospel-centered worship, practical application, and Spirit-led prayer... and eating great food.
We Believe
the Scriptures were inspired in their original languages and are therefore true, authoritative, and sufficient.
there is only one true God, Creator of heaven and earth, who eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
all things exist for the glory of God.
Mission Statement
The Mission of First Baptist Church is to evangelize our world, make disciples, worship together, fellowship with one another, and care for each another as commanded by Christ and exemplified in the early church, Acts 1,2.